Why Computer Science Major Might Be For You


When is where you enter your senior year of high school, you need to start thinking about college applications. Nobody enjoys writing college applications, but it’s just something everyone has to go through. You may be sitting there thinking about what a great enroll in. If you have no idea what major to choose, then one great great look into the computer.

Computer may sound like a boring high, but if you think about it, that’s the main thing needed to create software that makes computers work and develop video games. All of these jobs pay very well with the starting salary to be at least $ 60,000. In addition, the number of jobs looking for computer science graduates increases every year.

labor market for those who graduate with this degree is satisfied. You can move the university know that you have a good chance to get a job. The reason there are so many jobs available because just about every company in the world has some sort of IT department and need either someone to manage the network, the computer system, or working on programming both in the building and retail applications.

When you get a job in a science related to your field, then you have a great chance to earn a lot of money. Programming, database management, and network activities that everyone can reach six figures income is more than enough to get you by and feel good.

You may be thinking that you do not know enough about computers to get started in this. It is never the case because every college you go to will have an introductory course that you can take. This will allow even computer illiterate man to succeed well. The only requirement for success is wanting to do it.

If you have not thought about what a great consider when applying to college, then take a look at computing. It may sound boring clarinet, but you can have a good time in it, to ensure job and make a lot of money.


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