Technology Outsourcing to Chindini?


If you’ve never heard the term before Chindini, it refers to the China-India. In the case of outsourcing, they are now a powerhouse, a global leader in technology-based outsourcing. But, what makes such powerful China and India players in the technology outsourcing market? In this article I will try to explain why they are now at the top of the technology sector, and why they are making such an impact in the realm of technology outsourcing.

China and India are the two most populous countries in the world. Together, they make up close to 40% of the population of the Earth with a total of 2.4 billion people. When you add the fact that India and China are producing some of the best-trained computer science and electrical engineering graduates, and they can be hired for much less than their Western counterparts, you have technology outsourcing bonanza.

China and India are able to offer technology outsourcing their services at lower prices to companies in America, Europe, Australia and Asia. But low cost does not mean low quality. On the contrary, both China and India are becoming a pioneer in both software and hardware development.

In the past, the main focus of Chindini outsourcing was cheap manufacturing and low-cost services. But with China and India to take a leading role as a technology innovator, and have hundreds of thousands of highly educated, highly trained computer scientists and engineers at their disposal, the impact they are having on the technology outsourcing sector is no longer possible to ignore.

Technology outsourcing to China and India will continue to grow in the coming years. Floodgates have been opened and will not end anytime soon. As long as China and India continue to provide quality, low cost, technology outsourcing, business in America and other Western countries, will continue to see the benefits of outsourcing of the Chindini.
